Steve Mulroy


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DA's Office Releases Annual Report Highlighting DA Mulroy's First Year in Office

Shelby County, TN— District Attorney Steve Mulroy is pleased to announce the release of the annual report covering the period since taking office in September 2022 to September 2023. This comprehensive report provides an insightful overview of the highlights, successes, challenges, and new policies and procedures implemented during DA Mulroy’s first year. 

The annual report is a testament to the commitment of the District Attorney's Office to transparency and accountability. By sharing key information on case outcomes, conviction rates, community engagement initiatives, and resource allocation, the report aims to foster trust and understanding between the office and the community.

Highlights of the report include notable successes achieved by the DA's office and challenges faced and overcome throughout the year. Under DA Mulroy’s leadership, new policies and procedures have been implemented to enhance the office's efficiency and effectiveness in serving the public.

In line with the commitment to openness, the annual report serves as a valuable resource for the public to gain insights into the workings of the District Attorney's Office. The report will be made available to the public the Shelby County DA’s Office Website.